Thursday, April 30, 2020

Aloha from Maui ~ on Quarantine 2020!

We are living in a new world, that feels like the space in between things.  The world is on a pregnant pause.  Each individual is dealing with this shift in different ways.  Today I would like to offer you a Gift Basket of Goodies! 

I've collected some wonderFULL resources from a variety of awesome thought leaders and personal Mentors.  It is my hope that you will find relief and even joy from some of these offerings.   Self-Care is more vital now than ever before ~ for ourselves as individuals, as well as the collective energy.  I've begun calling it the "Group Soup."

Resources for Quarantine

~ Emmanuel Dagher's May 2020 Energy Forecast - these are amazing, and typically right on point.  EnJOY!
~ Gabby Bernstein’s blog: Don’t Fear Your Fear: 3 Ways to Reframe Negative Thoughts

~ Goodies from Emmanuel - He is one of the most phenomenal healers I’ve ever seen!

~ Deepak Chopra & Oprah Winfrey ’s 21-Day  Hope In Uncertain Times meditation series
It was so good, that I’m on the second round of 21-days.  Here’s the link to register:

~ Marci Shimoff’s Happy For No Reason Paraliminal Audio by Mind Valley.  This is soooo powerful, and happiness seems to be a natural antidote to fear.  You may know her from the hit movie and book “The Secret”, or for her Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul books.  She has been one of my fabulous mentors, and listening to this repeatedly has been life changing for me.  Please accept it as my gift to you being paid forward.  Download it at the link below, and grab your headphones.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ Leonie Dawson is one of my current mentors, and is an absolutely amazing, creative, magical soul!  She’s put together some great tools for our time in Quarantine.  Here's a link to the fabulous Leonie's Quarantine Planner she created (and it's a coloring book too ~ YAY!).

Download the above poster of 35 Things To Do When Biz is Slow!

...And here's a goodie from her fabulous Money E-course I've just completed (it Rocked! Check out the link for that further below in the next section).  There's 100 money generating ideas in here.

More Leonie Magic!  

In addition to Leonie’s plethora of free goodies, I would recommend her fantastic courses.  I’m a junkie, and an affiliate ~ because Leonie delivers the goods!  Here’s a few gems she’s currently offering:

Anxiety Balm

Money, Manifesting + Multiple Streams of Income
This is the one I mentioned above, and she rocked it!!!

40 Days to Create and Sell your E-course

40 Days to a Finished Book

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Marie Forleo has some gems well worth taking a look at. Here's an aaaaamazing and thorough list of resources for everything from business to activities for kids.

I love Brene’ Brown!  Here’s a powerful, healing, and helpful podcast about what we are all going through.

For the Witchy Crew…Priestess Presence Temple has put together a fabulous resource page

It is my hope that these tools and resources are like healing balm to you.  I am sending the deepest love to you and yours!

~ Amber, Blissin' Out on Maui...

Artwork by Leonie Dawson

Sunday, November 5, 2017


Aloha from the Beautiful Island of Maui!

                       “Time is an illusion, but timing is everything.” ~ Jamie Sams

Time feels so surreal to me right now.  It has ever since I first heard about the #metoo Movement.   I’d just completed a 20-day Ceremony (which was incredibly powerful and prophetic), and was still all tingly with “otherworldliness”, when out of the blue… “BAM!” 

I logged into my main Facebook account, and went, “WTF is goin’ on?”  Within moments of scrolling, the picture began to emerge, and I realized it was HUGE!  As I was still trying to get my reality footing in place, I realized I had periscoped up into a MASSIVE WOBBLE.  I could literally feel the intensity of the #metoo energy move the planet.

I got myself some strong coffee, and went to work on sending healing energy to myself and ALL who have been sexually abused and harassed.  The breaking story, and what it called up in all victims of abuse, was like a kick in the collective womb.  I saw so many women I’ve known for years typing “metoo”; and I did too.

It was gut wrenching…and yet…somehow soooooooooo validating!  It wasn’t “just me” anymore, and THAT was the collective “AHA”.  “It’s not personal, it’s planetary,” used to be one of my lines for validations like that.  We ALL got it that healing and change have to occur! …(even if only for those fleeting moments before our Societal ADD kicked in, and the issue was no longer “trending”).

                                               So, now what do I do?

Once the java kicked in, I began to erect an Altar to focus and amplify the healing energy, and began the hashtag #metoohealing.  The timing was actually Divine as it was the day of Divalli when I discovered the story ~ The Festival of Light!

OMG!  How Symbolic?

Finally the horrible, deep, dark secrets were being exposed, out into the light ~ the truth of the depth and breadth of the subjugation of women (I know there are men involved here too, but my primary focus is the Sacred Feminine).

And from that moment forward, things will never be the same.  Thank God, Goddess, All That Is for that!

                                                        Amber’s Book NOW!

#metoo is the ultimate catalyst for me to publish my book on the Ancient Women’s Teachings immediately.  I received this knowledge 21 years ago, and have drafted the book of those Teachings, (which needs some updates/editing).  They have been held in secret for 5000 years, and it’s clear to me that NOW more than ever, the women and the world need this knowledge.

This is game changing, empowering information, and it is our inheritance!  Things will change immediately ~ I have seen the Power of these teachings; both as the recipient of them, and as the facilitator disseminating them to Sisters on the Mainland (Continental U.S.), and Hawaii.  As our First Sacred Law states, “All Things Are Born of Woman”!

I’ve decided to initiate a “Go Fund Me” campaign to self publish the book swiftly.  The traditional route is monumental and time consuming (I’ve been researching that for the past few years), and I feel compelled to move swiftly in disseminating this empowering information.
                               “It Takes a Village to Birth a Book” ~ Amber Lightfoot


So, let’s stay connected…

~ I will be posting information on the FB page which is:
~ …and if you would like some “Sneak Peek” goodies from the forthcoming book, check out my Women’s Teachings blog at:
~ I have also received the “calling” to begin a group #metoohealing on FB.  I’ve just set the name, but the page hasn’t been propagated yet.  We’re “under construction” ~ lol

I’ll close this post with our Sisterhood Greeting/Parting Ritual:
“ From my heart to your heart,
From my womb to your womb,
I share the power, the vision,
the creativity of my womb,
So that we may dream together,
and be as one.”

Across the web of time and space, I send you my deepest love!

~ Amber, Blissin’ Out on Maui

Friday, October 13, 2017

The Frog Omelette

Frog for breakfast.  Who knew? 

Let me begin by saying, (and hopefully busting the clichéd myth), frog does NOT taste like chicken!  Eau Contraire.

What I have discovered, by beginning my day with the Frog Omelette, is that I especially love it's aftertaste, which is success.  OMG ~ so yummy!

Admittedly in the beginning, I realized frog was an acquired taste; and quite frankly, one I didn't have a taste for at all - pun intended! 

For starters, I'm not a morning person, and I never was. So it had become my habit, to put off the big things in my day, until later.  Kind of waiting until I got my steam rolling.  Add to that the fact that I was at the stage of being a recovering procrastinator, and my old “morning lifestyle” was a recipe for disaster!

In retrospect I would describe it as, “totally ineffective”.  Okay I’m being polite ~ more like EPIC failure! 

By that point in my life, I didn’t even want to make a to do list anymore.  Just… over it, already!  It was depressing to see the same undone items over and over again.  Talk about imprinting failure, and the resulting self-bashing?!

So, when my Year of Miracles Mentors, Debra Poneman and Marci Shimoff, suggested on a call that for one week, we did the most difficult thing on our list [written or unwritten], first!  I was like, “Yeah, right, there’s not enough coffee in the world ~ this will take a Starbuck’s KazillionShot!”.  But, I went for it anyway.

The method was called “Eating the Frog”, and I have now lovingly dubbed this morning ritual “The Frog Omelette.”

What did I have to lose?  As stated above, the old pattern had led to epic failure.  Besides, since I wasn’t a morning person, by the time I REALLY woke up and inhabited my body fully, the most difficult thing was already done.  How cool is that?

OMG!...This is amazing.  And the more I begin my morning with eating the frog - the better it gets!  It’s actually addicting…

My life is changing in amazing ways, and this has been a key to the last veiled door which had stood between me and my ability to “dwell” in The Miracle Zone.

Life just keeps getting sweeter and sweeter, with the flavor and rich bouquet of the Frog Omelette.  The only known side effects I have witnessed so far are: increased courage, enhanced self-worth, free admission to The Miracle Zone, more joy and vigor, renewed creativity, inner peace and contentment.  And then, of course there’s always that delicious aftertaste of Success!

I would highly recommend "The Frog Omelette" to everyone ~ Bon Appetit!

~ Amber Lightfoot
Blissin' Out on Maui

Oh, BTW: All of a sudden frogs are showing up everywhere in my life.  So cool!  In my Feng Shui tradition they represent abundance, and their significance in my Shamanic Tradition is phenomenal healing and renewal.  "The Shield Jumper"...

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Welcome to the Era of the Gold Horse!

This is the most exciting time to be alive on planet Earth.  The reason I say this is because of the Gold Horse Prophecy.  This prophecy states what our world will look like when the Gold Horse overtakes the Black or Dark Horse.

“The Gold Horse carries Beauty, Power, Individual Autonomy and Freedom in Peace.  It also carries humans living in harmony with each other, caring for and protecting the Earth and the life she gives to us.  It carries a world without ignorance, war, poverty, pestilence, and famine.  The Gold Horse carries the best in us - our shining, our potential for greatness as enlightened humans, as Rainbow Warriors”.  

From the time I heard the prophecy, it activated an awakening within me, and the deep longing to dwell in that energetic vibration continuously.  My soul knew it to be true, and I knew that I was destined to see it!

As an energy worker, some years ago I felt compelled to call awake the Gold Horse Prophecy.  So, like any good Ceremonialist, I complied. 

My only clear memory right now about the several day Ceremony, is that it was a beautiful, powerful, dynamic experience that rocked my socks off!  I am blessed and honored to be a Prayer Catalyst.

I suppose I expected the whole world to change overnight… I must have, because I was certainly disappointed immediately after, as well as years later; when it seemed we were still dwelling in the same low energy darkness and bullshit of the black horse.  In fact, things had gotten worse!

Then one day it came to me, that calling awake the prophecy was one thing, but “activating it” was another.  On October 30, 2016, I opened a Sacred Pipe.  I was guided to do so for the Water Protectors and to pray for Standing Rock, to “activate” the Gold Horse, to make prayers for the collective energy (especially all humans and life forms on Planet Earth), and personal prayers for myself and others who were aware of the Ceremony.

Looking back on the Pipe Ceremony now, I can see how all the pieces fit together, (the seemingly different intentions); and their various overlays, (how all the prayers fit together, and amplified one another).  The exciting news is that the Gold Horse is activated and running now!  The timing of this all was purely divine… as the issues at Standing Rock (including the symbol of stopping the black snake, from their Lakota Tradition), were the perfect symbols of the Black Horse from our Tradition; clearly the call for the end of darkness prevailing!

For me, it was the most fabulous thing to behold millions of people around the world praying together for the peaceful Water Protectors!  I am literally goose bumped as I'm typing this.  And oh, by the way, that was one of my prayers in the Pipe for Standing Rock ~ and I literally got to see it happen on Facebook…millions of us praying together (and many still are individually), from cultures around the world.  Truly a Glorious Miracle come to life!

The synergy of those numbers absolutely boggles my mind…  such Beauty and Power!  For example, it only takes 18 people together to achieve the synergy of over 144,000 (the number of Rainbow Light Warriors called for to bring the Gold Horse to victory); 18 = 262,143 in synergy.  So the synergy of millions of people together is more than all the humans who have ever existed on Planet Earth! But, back to the Gold Horse. 

To me the Gold Horse represents the highest enlightened aspects of humanity.  It represents us literally becoming a sacred five (or Sacred Human vs. a two-legged four, or animal).  It represents a time when humans are free.  It represents the fulfillment of Heaven on Earth.  It represents Illumination and Enlightenment.  

and it rode in on the Gold Horse.  
~ Amber, Golden Star Feather

For the full story of "The Gold Horse Prophecy - The Rainbow Bridge Prophecies of Turtle Island" from my Elders (dates back to 1254 B.C.), click here for the blogpost.

for a great video on the Rainbow Warriors - click here.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

The Gold Horse Prophecy - The Rainbow Bridge Prophecies of Turtle Island

On October 30, 2016 I did a several day Ceremony to Activate the Gold Horse on our planet.  This document will explain who and what the Gold Horse is.  Welcome to a New Era!

This post is word for word from a document of DTMMS (Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society) to whom I was apprenticed. 
~ Golden Star Feather

The Gold Horse Prophecy – The Rainbow Bridge 
Prophecies of Turtle Island

Dedicated to Cajun

The Gold Horse Prophecy

By permission from Song of the Deer by Thunder Strikes with Jan Orsi

Through out the ages humanity has sought out the prophecies of the spiritually gifted, the visionaries, to provide insight of things to the future, to provide hope and a vision of things to come. Many prophecies come to us foretelling of disaster, hopelessness and the annihilation of mankind. Others create a vision of joyful transformation through quantum leaps into love and light. Prophecies of power and vision reveal the potential for both the best and the worst in us. 

The Rainbow Bridge Prophecies of Turtle Island are Visions of power foretold over 2,000 years ago with startling accuracy. They reveal the probability of occurrence of certain events through time. Most importantly, however they challenge us to wake up, claim the best of ourselves and carry the excellence as a banner for peace, harmony and individual autonomous freedom for all life on this planet. The flip side is not a pretty picture. 

These prophecies are a part of the lineage and heritage of knowledge, medicine, magic, and beauty that is the Sweet Medicine Sundance Way. In 1254 BC in Oaxaca, Mexico, these Prophecies were recorded by a council of 144 enlightened elders of Turtle Island (north, south and Central America) and 12 Elders from each of the other seven Great Powers on the planet. The elders of Turtle Island were powerful “Seer- Naquals,” shamans and magicians, both men and women, from over 375 tribes. Earlier they had formalized their knowledge in a system of teachings they called the sacred shields of dreaming of the Rattlesnake School of Knowledge. It was later renamed The Sweet Medicine Sundance Path of The Twisted Hairs. 

For three years prior to 1254 BC, they dreamed and worked together with the Ark of the Crystal Skulls to “see” the potential and probable paths of evolution for humanity and planetary destiny. Their collective vision, recounted by a trained orator, is 24 hours in the telling.

The prophecies are told as a metaphor of a horse race with eight horses of different colors representing mankind’s different choices at critical turning points in our interaction with each other, with nature and life in general. In the original speaking of the prophecies, the sweet Medicine animals were seen as dogs for the dog is the “keeper” of the belief systems of a people. 

As a result of the impact of the Spanish destruction and conquest and the introduction of the horse to this continent, the elders saw that the “medicine” or alchemy of the race would change. The medicine of the horse is that it is the “carrier” of the belief systems of a people; thus it became a Race of Horses. 

Of the eight horses in the race, there are four that represent the four directions of the wheel of life and they hold the balance in the race. They are The Red Horse, which carries the earth changes. Earth- quakes, floods, droughts, reactivated volcanoes, critical changes in weather patterns – all these are the earth’s way of rebalancing and purifying herself. These have escalated in the recent years both in frequency and intensity, as she has to deal with the destruction and imbalance humans continue to propagate.

The White Horse carries the impact of economic, industrial, technological and scientific forces on people and countries. The sacrifice of nature and people’s freedoms and inalienable rights worldwide on the altar of profit and power are the legacy of this horse and feeds directly into the impact of the Dark Horse. 

The Dark Horse carries the dark energy of mankind. Quite simply, it carries the worst in us.

The Gold Horse carries Beauty, Power, Individual Autonomy and Freedom in Peace. It also carries humans living in harmony with each other, caring for and protecting the Earth and the life she gives to us. It carries a world without ignorance, war, poverty, pestilence, and famine. The Gold Horse carries the best in us-our shining, our potential for greatness as enlightened humans, as Rainbow Warriors. 

The Prophecies speak of the need for the collective presence and intent of 144,000 rainbow Warriors, i.e., awakened humans, fighting for peace, harmony, and individual autonomous freedom to bring the Gold Horse to victory. 

According to the Prophecies, the Dark Horse is leading the race at this time and lunging ahead of the Gold Horse. What does this have to do with you and me, really?

The overwhelming challenges that confront us world wide from ecological disaster to war to famine and disease to technological suicide to drastic earth changes appear to have no easy or immediate solutions. Yet many of us yearn for the flip side of the scenario and constantly look for ways to contribute to making our dreams of harmony, balance, brotherhood/sisterhood and beauty a reality. We are inspired by our own dreams and a vision of a fuller life and a better world. Unfortunately, many of us assume that someone else will do it for us, or we are overcome by the enormity of the task and throw up our hands in frustration.

The task of meeting these external challenges, however, we must start with the great work of our own inner awakening within each person. In our efforts to do good we often miss the mark because we are looking for solutions outside ourselves. We may choose to contribute time, money or energy to our favorite cause or charity, for example. This is a good thing, but the degree of impact we make will only be in proportion to the degree of awakening with in ourselves. Let’s suppose you make a donation to your favorite ecological charity to support their direct intervention to stop destruction of the rain forests. The effectiveness of your contribution will be successful only to the extent that at the same time you are cleaning up your own personal ecology. In order to effect change in our “battle between the sexes” we must better understand and come into alignment with our own inner masculine and feminine energies. We contribute to organizations that fight disease-heart disease, cancer, AIDS, etc., yet we create those same diseases in our own bodies through stress and a loss of our innate naturalness. I could go on endlessly.

What this means is that we cannot create significant change on any level, particularly a planetary level, if we are not willing or able to make significant changes in ourselves. It is out of this individual stretch for excellence and self-healing that the 144,000 Rainbow Warriors can emerge as a collective
rallying force for the Gold Horse.  "

For more information contact: The Deer Tribe –

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Fuck That!


As an author, sometimes it's just so much more spontaneous (and fun) to go with the spoken word...the following conversation is between Ziz and I.  Hence the name from A2Z - Amber to Ziz.

  Here's a video about many things, but the theme is "Fuck That!"  I hope it makes you laugh so hard that you can barely take it.  Enjoy!

Fuck That Transcript
A conversation with Amber and Ziz (From A2Z)

Amber: Today’s theme is FUCK THAT

Ziz: Today we’re going to talk about Fuck That, which is different than our last uh, our last, “Knowing.”  We did “knowing”.

Amber: Ah, we did.  Aw, fuck that too. 
[both laughing]

Ziz: We’ve gone through some shifts in the house, in case you haven’t figured that out by the tone.
[Amber laughing]

Amber: And so, the theme today is “Fuck That!”   So, what’s your question?  You asked me about Jesus… and I said, “Fuck Jesus.”

Ziz: We went over Jesus and christianity first.  We learned a lot about Jesus.  Mostly fuck him.

Amber: Fuck Jesus.

Ziz:  It’s hard for me to say that, because I have been going to church pretty often…

Amber:  I’m a Pastor, Fuck Jesus!
[Amber laughing]

Ziz: Jesus loves you too.

Amber: I don’t give a fuck.  [still laughing]   … I don’t need Jesus’ love.

Ziz: Technically, you don’t need it, that’s true.

Amber: Yeah, uhh huh.

Ziz: But it’s there, if you want it.

Amber: Oh, fuck that.
[Both laughing really hard]

Ziz: You are a feisty one.

Amber: I am, and it isn’t blasphemy.

Ziz: No, it’s just um…

Amber: It’s a state of mind.

Ziz: A state of mind.  Then we went to Buddhism.

Amber: Fuck Buddhism. 
[laughing really hard]

Amber: If those fuckers had the answer, we wouldn’t be here.  [in Mimicking voice]
“There’d be no suffering in the world” and every Bodhisattva could go somewhere and sit the fuck down. [more laughter]
“Fuck a Bodhisattva.”
[hard laughter]
“Fuck enlightenment.”  Yeah.
[both laughing]

Ziz: The only thing that makes sense is uh, “fuck it.”

Amber: Yeah.

Ziz: Well, what about that?

Amber: Fuck that too. [really hard laughter]

Amber: It’s about fluidity.  And neutrality.

Ziz: Neutrality?

Amber: Because everything is…

Ziz: Why not fuck neutrality too?

Amber: Fuck that too.

Ziz: Fuck it all.

Amber: Fuck all of it.  [laughing]…No attachment.  …No attachment,  just in the perfect flow…of now.  That ever changing eternity known as now.

Amber: [continues]  …And trying to figure it out, fuck that; it’s overrated.

Ziz: Unhh, Well, I gotta find something else to do…

Amber: And trying to deny it, fuck that too. [laughing]
Trying to be the guru, fuck that too.  Fuck ignorance is bliss.  Fuck all that shit.   
[both laughing really hard]

Amber continues:  It’s all overrated.  Fuck that.

Ziz: Meditation?

Amber: Fuck meditation.  [laughing]  If you’re allegedly enlightened, [in mimicking voice], “every breath is a meditation, every moment is a prayer.”  Fuck that!  [laughter]. 
I’m so fucking sick of that shit, on every level ~ Anybody’s standard of what something is to be… [laughter]

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Ziz: I had it on the wrong microphone setting, that’s a shame.

Amber: That tape will come out, I’ll be like, “It wasn’t me, I wasn’t even there.  I never said that.”

Ziz:  I’ll get some people to animate you.

Amber continues: They’ll be like, “Yes you did.”  I’ll be like, “Fuck you!” 
[chuckling into fade to black…]

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Remember Dear One, this is comedy!  If you are all freaked out by something you are hearing or reading here, you are taking yourself, spiritual/religious dogma, and life way too seriously.  Lighten up; you're going to need it for what's coming next...

Deepest Love,
Amber, Blissin' Out on Maui...